Corporal Daniel Carman McArthur born in Brooklyn, New York City, on 12 August 1897, the son of Canadian poet Peter McArthur (d. 1924).

– Le Caporal –
Tremble! ye signallers, every man,
Cpl Daniel Carman McArthur
Under the glance of Corporal Dan!
Brand new clothes from tip to toe,—
—All dressed up, and no place to go—
Looks like a scarecrow up the line
But back in billets it’s polish and shine.
—When the photographer turned his crank
Dan struck an attitude—”beaucoup swank”
Exposed his flags and stripes and knife,
And the camera took him true to life!
McArthur attended Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph, and enlisted with Canadian Field Artillery in 1916, serving overseas as a signaller.

Daniel Carman McArthur became the first chief news editor of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. The annual RTNDA Dan MacArthur Award, given to the station with the best in-depth or investigative reporting, named in his honour.
Enlistment of Daniel Carman McArthur
Private Daniel Carman McArthur 324897 enlisted 15 March 1916 at Guelph, Ontario. Major Kent, OC of the 56th Battery approving. Daniel stood 5′ 7″, 154 pounds, with dark complexion, blue eyes and dark hair.
56th Overseas Battery
Organized in March 1916 under the command of Major V J Kent. Mobilized at Guelph, and recruited mainly from students at the Ontario Agriculture College. Left Halifax 13 September 1916 aboard METAGAMA. Arrived in England 22 September 1916. Absorbed by 55th (Daniel) and 66th Batteries on 22 January 1917.
Daniel admitted with Measles, London Military Hospital, 13 April 1916.

Private Daniel Carman McArthur promoted to Signal-Corporal, 15 June 1916.
Daniel appointed A/Cpl, Witley Camp, 30 September 1916.
55th Battery
Organized in February 1916 under the command of Major E N Lewis. Mobilized at Guelph, and also recruited in the Guelph district. Left Halifax 13 September 1916 aboard METAGAMA. Arrived in England 22 September 1916. Transferred from 14th Brigade to 13th Brigade, 4th (later 5th) Canadian Divisional Artillery on 22 January 1917. Arrived in France 21 August 1917, 13th Brigade, 5th Canadian Divisional Artillery.

Corporal McArthur entered the Western Front on 21 August 1917 with the 55th Battery of the 13th Brigade, 5th CDA.
Daniel confirmed in rank of Corporal, 9 September 1916.
Corporal Daniel Carman McArthur admitted to No 14 Canadian Field Ambulance, Gas shell, 11 October 1918. Discharged three days later.

Cpl McArthur awarded 14 Days Leave to Paris, 29 November 1918.
Corporal Daniel Carman McArthur promoted Sergeant, 16 April 1919.
Sergeant McArthur proceeded to England, 16 May 1919.
Sergeant Daniel Carman McArthur SoS to Canada, 11 June 1919, and later discharged in Toronto on 23 June 1919.
Post Great War
After the war McArthur worked as a journalist, and became editor of the Toronto Farmers’ Sun. In 1940 appointed supervisor of news at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and became chief news editor when the CBC began doing its own reporting. In 1953 he became an executive assistant to management at the CBC’s Ottawa headquarters, and later became its director of special projects.
Fought Legendary Battles

The annual RTNDA Dan MacArthur Award, given to the station with the best in-depth or investigative reporting, named in his honour.
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