H.R.H. The Prince of Wales presents Colours to 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th Canadian Infantry Battalions. Sir Arthur Currie attending. Witley Camp, 7 May 1919. MIKAN No. 3523055

29th (Vancouver) Battalion in the Great War

Home | Units | 29th (Vancouver) Battalion in the Great War

Tobin’s Tigers

29th Vancouver Battalion organized in October 1914 under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Seymour Tobin. Also known as “Tobin’s Tigers”.

Lieutenant-Colonel H S Tobin

3221732_Lt._Col._H.S._Tobin_O.C._29th_Cdn._Inf._Bn 29th Vancouver Battalion
Lt. Col. H.S. Tobin O.C. 29th Cdn. Inf. Bn MIKAN No 3221732

Tobin a veteran of the R.N.W.M.P., the 72nd Regiment and the South African War (Lord Strathcona’s Horse).

29th_Infantry_Battalion_Vancouver_Battalion_Tobin_s_Tigers_May_15th_1915_Co 29th Vancouver Battalion
29th Infantry Battalion Vancouver Tobin’s Tigers, May 15th, 1915.

The 29th Vancouver Battalion mobilized at Vancouver, and also recruited in Vancouver, and New Westminster.

Captain Richard Bell-Irving

An original member of Tobin’s Tigers, Richard Bell-Irving born 31 May 1888. On 27 June 1913, in Vancouver, Richard married Kathleen Hume Morris (born on June 30, 1885, in Hamilton, Ontario). Richard’s brother, Major Roderick Bell-Irving DSO MC seated at left. Richard wearing his RAF uniform.

Bell-Irving 29th Vancouver Battalion
The Bell-Irving family extremely well represented in the Great War.

It is not unusual in war to have two decorated heroes in the same family, but more than that is rare. However, in the case of the Bell-Irvings, a noted British Columbia family, in the First World War four brothers were awarded nine bravery decorations between them.

Vancouver Sun, Published Nov 08, 2014

Henry, Roderick, Malcolm, Duncan and Richard Bell-Irving enlisted immediately after the outbreak of the Great War. Aeneas, the youngest son, joined later.

Private Reginald George Woods

Another original member of Tobin’s Tigers, Pte Reginald George Woods 76088, the son of Alfred and Mary Jane Woods, of Brighton, Sussex.

Private Reginald George Woods 76088 29th Vancouver Battalion
Private Reginald George Woods 76088

Reginald had a brother in the Royal Field Artillery, Second Lieutenant Alfred Marcus Woods, of ‘C’ Battery, 78th Brigade.

The large village of Combles is 16 kilometres east of Albert and 13 kilometres south of Bapaume.

Second Lieutenant Alfred Marcus Woods killed in action on 26 February 1917 and buried in Combles Communal Cemetery Extension.


29th Vancouver Battalion embarked from Montreal 20 May 1915 aboard RMS MISSANABIE. Disembarked England on 30 May 1915 with an initial strength of 37 officers, and 1104 other ranks.

29th Vancouver Battalion


The 29th Battalion arrived in France, 17 September 1915, as part of 2nd Canadian Division, 6th Canadian Infantry Brigade, and later reinforced by 1st Canadian Reserve Battalion.

1st Canadian Reserve Battalion

Organized at Shorncliffe on 4 January 1917. Under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel John Herbert Donald Hulme. Formed by absorbing 30th Canadian Reserve Battalion, and 158th Battalion. Reinforced by 7th, and 29th Vancouver Battalions.

One of the craters at St. Eloi. It was here that the 29th (Vancouver) Bn were engaged in heavy fighting in April 1916. April & May 1919. MIKAN No. 3329062
One of the craters at St. Eloi. It was here that the 29th (Vancouver) Bn were engaged in heavy fighting in April 1916. April & May 1919. MIKAN No. 3329062

Moved to Seaford 8 March 1917. Absorbed 24th Canadian Reserve Battalion, on 20 May 1917. Absorbed 16th Canadian Reserve Battalion, and British Columbia Regimental Depot, on 15 February 1918. Reinforced 7th, 29th, 47th and 72nd Battalions.


About 160 people died when HMS Anglia struck a German mine close to the Kent coast on 17 November 1915. The ship carrying soldiers, some severely injured in the Battle of Loos, back from France to England.

29th Vancouver Battalion
Private Robert Henry Allen, 29th Battalion casualty.

Private Robert Henry Allen 76124 believed to have drowned and commemorated on the Hollybrook Memorial, Southampton. Other casualties from November 1915 included:

  • Private Henry Lovell Simons 75473, 3 November 1915
  • Private Francis Taylor 75435, 6 November 1915
  • Pte David Brockie 75230, 6 November 1915
  • Private John Scott Milne 76139, 6 November 1915
  • LCpl Owen Byrne 75313, 22 November 1915
  • Cpl Hugh Trevor Stewart 76175, 23 November 1915



On 4 January 1916, Pte Frederick Gardner Earl 75607 killed in action, followed by Private Morris Poulson 430201 the following day. Both buried at Loker Churchyard. Only one casualty in February, that of Pte Noel James Paton 75864 buried in Plot VI, Row C, Grave 12 at Etaples Military Cemetery.

In July 1916, Canadian Official War Photographer Captain Henry Edward Knobel captures the 29th Battalion behind the lines.

  • Pork and beans for lunch (29th Canadian Infantry Battalion). July, 1916. MIKAN No. 3395477
  • The morning paper (29th Canadian Infantry Battalion). July, 1916. MIKAN No. 3396681
  • Off Duty (29th Canadian Infantry Battalion). July, 1916. MIKAN No. 3396679
  • Writing Home. 29th Canadian Infantry Battalion. MIKAN No. 3194320
  • Well preserved from view (29th Canadian Infantry Battalion). July, 1916. MIKAN No. 3520994
  • A merry bunch (29th Canadian Infantry Battalion). July, 1916. MIKAN No. 3520993
  • Cleaning his rifle (29th Canadian Infantry Battalion). July, 1916. Soldier at the table appears to be cleaning a Ross service rifle, while another is propped against sand-bagged structure. MIKAN No. 3520992
  • Taking it easy (29th Canadian Infantry Battalion). July, 1916. MIKAN No. 3396680
  • Playing quoits (29th Canadian Infantry Battalion). July, 1916. MIKAN No. 3396682

This series of photos illustrates life behind the forward trenches.

Col Tobin remained with 29th Vancouver Battalion until the end of July 1916 when recalled to England. Major John Spottiswood Tait took Tobin’s place in command.

LCol John Spottiswood Tait in 1951 29th Vancouver Battalion
LCol John Spottiswood Tait in 1951

Posted to training and reserve brigades in England, Tobin did not rejoin his original battalion for over two years. Col Tobin returned to the field and succeeded Lieutenant Colonel W S Latta and Major L A Wilmot on 5 September 1918.

Grenade Course

Pte Reginald George Woods to Grenade Course on 14 August 1916, later returning to his unit on 25th August.

MIKAN No. 3404759
Canadians examine a German aerial torpedo. This photograph shows Canadian soldiers examining a captured German Granatenwerfer grenade, pointing out the pin and fuse. MIKAN No. 3404759

Lewis Gun Course

Pte Reginald George Woods to Grenade Course on 5 November 1916, later returning to his unit on 14th November. Private Arthur James Young also attended the Lewis Gun Course.

Canadian machine gunners driving away a Fritz. Soldiers are demonstrating the firing of a Lewis light machine gun at aerial targets. MIKAN No. 3521946
Canadian machine gunners driving away a Fritz. Soldiers are demonstrating the firing of a Lewis light machine gun at aerial targets. MIKAN No. 3521946

Major Richard Bell-Irving OBE

Captain Richard Bell-Irving seconded to the Royal Flying Corps on 20 November 1916. He commanded an air training station for the Royal Flying Corps in Turnberry, Scotland. Later made a Commander in the Order of the British Empire, London Gazette No 304460, 7 January 1918. Bell-Irving would complete his service with the Royal Air Force on 10 April 1919.

Colonel and Mrs. Richard Bell-Irving on the shore of Lake Louise; Vancouver City Archives 29th Vancouver Battalion
Colonel and Mrs. Richard Bell-Irving on the shore of Lake Louise; Vancouver City Archives


Shortly after returning from his Lewis Gun Course, Pte Reginald George Woods admitted to No 6 Canadian Field Ambulance (influenza) on 29 November 1916.

MIKAN No. 4748716 29th Vancouver Battalion
Nursing sisters and patients outside a ward tent,   No. 2 Canadian General Hospital, Le Tréport, France “The front balcony.” MIKAN No. 4748716

Granted 10 days leave to help his recovery, Reginald again admitted to No 13 Canadian Field Ambulance upon his return from leave. Finally discharged to duty on 12 December 1916.


Good Conduct Badge

Pte Reginald George Woods awarded a Good Conduct Badge on 28 January 1917 in the field.

Battle of Vimy Ridge

Unfortunately, the 29th Battalion fell victim to the deception of Canadian Official War Photographer Captain Ivor Castle. MIKAN No. 3233066 a famous image from the Battle of Vimy Ridge. He was not the first to use trickery in his photographs. But, he became one of the last. The British government introduced Propaganda of the Facts. Legislation which forbade such trickery, as it devalued the war effort.

This original photo showing the advance on Vimy Ridge, was later retouched by official photographer W.I. Castle for exhibition purposes related to the Canadian War Records Office exhibitions of battle pictures (see Mikan # 3192389 for retouched version). MIKAN No. 3233066
This original photo showing the advance on Vimy Ridge, was later retouched by official photographer W.I. Castle for exhibition purposes related to the Canadian War Records Office exhibitions of battle pictures MIKAN No. 3233066
Officers of the 29th Battalion at Wailly. May, 1918. MIKAN No. 3522134 29th Vancouver Battalion
Officers of the 29th Vancouver Battalion at Wailly. May, 1918. MIKAN No. 3522134

Lt Benjamin Bell Gray

Lieutenant Benjamin Bell Gray an original of the 29th Vancouver Battalion. Son of the late Reverend William Alerxander Gray and Dora Cecilia Gray (nee Bell). Nephew of Dr James Bell (surgeon at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal).

Benjamin Gray Bell 29th Vancouver Battalion
Benjamin Gray Bell

Lt Benjamin Bell Gray of ‘B’ Company fell on the second day of the battle. Like so many other men, his body lost, and therefore his name commemorated on the Vimy Memorial.

Bois-Carre British Cemetery

Bois-Carre British Cemetery begun by units of the 1st Canadian Division in April 1917, and used until the following June. CANADIAN GRAVE CD 27, 1,828 metres West of Petit-Vimy, contained 48 Canadian soldiers who fell on the 9th April, 1917. Almost all belonged to the 54th and 102nd Battalions.

Private W A Nickerson, 20 April 2019. CEFRG
Private W A Nickerson, 20 April 2019. CEFRG

These 61 graves are in Plot I (a Canadian soldier of the War Graves Detail, accidentally killed in 1919, also buried in Plot I, Row F). The cemetery greatly enlarged after the Armistice by the concentration of graves from the surrounding battlefields and burial grounds.

BUMBLE TRENCH CEMETERY, VIMY, (CC 186*) on the road from Vimy to Lens before the railway crossing were buried, in May-August, 1917, nineteen Canadian soldiers and five from the United Kingdom. VIMY STATION CEMETERY, where 17 Canadian soldiers buried in April and May, 1917.

Bois Carre Casualties

William Appleby

Private William Appleby 706843 born 12 May 1885, commemorated on Page 192 of the First World War Book of Remembrance

Thomas Alexander Connolly

Pte Thomas Alexander Connolly 790518. Commemorated on Page 219 of the First World War Book of Remembrance.

John Joseph Cowan

Private John Joseph Cowan 442963 born 20 March 1885, commemorated on Page 221 of the First World War Book of Remembrance.

James Farquhar

Private James Farquhar 645608 born 30 November 1875, commemorated on Page 235 of the First World War Book of Remembrance.

Alfred McDermott

Pvt Alfred McDermott 75207 born 16 October 1891, commemorated on Page 280 of the First World War Book of Remembrance.

George Allan McLean

Private George Allan McLean 706637, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. McLean, of Victoria, British Columbia.

Willie MonPetit

Pvt Willie MonPetit 75979 (SERVED AS ANDERSON), son of Joseph Monpetit, of Glen Robertson, Glengarry Co., Ontario.

William John Smith

Private William John Smith 116235

Orchard Dump Cemetery, Arleux-en-Gohelle

The cemetery begun in April 1917, on the new front resulting from the Battles of Arras, and used by the units holding that front until the following November. These original burials in Plot VI, Row K, and Plot I, Rows A to F. The cemetery greatly enlarged after the Armistice by the concentration of graves from the neighbouring battlefields and from other burial grounds.

  • 29th Vancouver Battalion
  • 29th Vancouver Battalion
  • 29th Vancouver Battalion
  • 29th Vancouver Battalion

Certain graves in Plots VII, VIII and IX, identified collectively but not individually, are marked by headstones bearing the additional words “Buried near this spot.”

Battle of Hill 70

The 29th Battalion suffered heavy casualties on 21 August 1917. Very few men recovered. Only eighteen men of this period from the 29th Battalion buried in Barlin Communal Cemetery, Fosse No 10 Communal Cemetery Extension or in cemeteries close to aid stations further behind the lines. The Vimy Memorial contains the names of 123 men of the 29th Battalion from the Battle of Hill 70 with no known grave.

Memorial to 29th Battalion on Vimy Ridge. October, 1918. Cross reads: "In Loving Memory of Officers, NCO.s, and Men Vancouver 29th Battalion Killed-in-Action March, April, May." A list of officers (all Lieutenants) and a shield-shaped plaque with the names and service numbers of men and non-commissioned officers is at the base of the cross. MIKAN No. 3379688
Memorial to 29th Vancouver Battalion on Vimy Ridge. October, 1918. Cross reads: “In Loving Memory of Officers, NCO.s, and Men Vancouver 29th Battalion Killed-in-Action March, April, May.” A list of officers (all Lieutenants) and a shield-shaped plaque with the names and service numbers of men and non-commissioned officers is at the base of the cross. MIKAN No. 3379688

An exceptionally tough day among officer’s, on 21 August 1917 seven Lieutenant’s of the battalion lost in action. All named on the Vimy Memorial.

  • Henry Alfred Carter
  • Edgar Charles Corbett
  • Hugh Maxwell McGibbon
  • Chest Neil McKinnon
  • Albert Morton Monks
  • Neville Montgomery
  • George Bruce Sutherland

Death of Pte Reginald George Woods

Private Reginald Woods severely wounded on 21 August 1917 (GSW back, injury to spine). Transported from No 23 Casualty Clearing Station to No 18 General Hospital, Etaples.

Private Reginald George Woods 76088 Original_Grave No. XXV. O. 13 29th Vancouver Battalion
Private Reginald George Woods 76088 Original_Grave No. XXV. O. 13

Reginald finally succumbed to his wounds on 3 September 1917. Pte Woods lies buried in Plot XXV of Etaples Military Cemetery.

Private Reginald George Woods 76088_Plaque & Medals 29th Vancouver Battalion
Private Reginald George Woods 76088_Plaque & Medals

Reginald and his brother Second Lieutenant Alfred Marcus Woods commemorated on the Brighton War Memorial.

Reginald and Alfred Woods 29th Vancouver Battalion
Reginald and Alfred Woods

Battle of Passchendaele

Passchendaele New British Cemetery

The New British Cemetery made after the Armistice when graves brought in from the battlefields of Passchendaele and Langemarck. Almost all of the burials from the autumn of 1917.

This cemetery on three different levels, with steps going from one level to another. For wheelchair access between the levels there are grassed ramps to the right of the cemetery, near the wall. Wheelchair users can enter the cemetery via a service entrance situated to the left of the main entrance.

Private Reuben Biggs

Reuben Biggs 645845 Born 29 March 1887 in Pembroke, Ont.

Pvt Frederick Earl Burnett

Frederick Earl Burnett 797021. Born 27 December 1887.

Pvt Alex Cameron

Alex Cameron 415241 was with his company in a support trench in front of Passchendaele, on the morning of 6 November 1917. During an enemy bombardment a shell exploded close to the trench, killing him instantly.

Pte Seymour Arthur Gilroy

Seymour Arthur Gilroy 425731 Son of Charlie and Sarah Gilroy (nee Mott), of Minitonas, Manitoba. Born at Brantford.

Pvt George Tappenden Hills

George Tappenden Hills 116675 Son of Ernest and Annie Josephine Hills, of Newnham, Kent, England.

Private Thomas Wright Smith

Thomas Wright Smith 116973 born 12 June 1884. Commemorated on Page 329 of the First World War Book of Remembrance.


Bac-du-Sud Cemetery, Bailleulval

The cemetery made in March 1918 by the 7th, 20th and 43rd Casualty Clearing Stations, but when the German advance began at the end of that month, their place was taken by field ambulances of the units fighting on the Arras front, notably the 31st Division and the Canadian Corps.

  • 29th Vancouver Battalion
  • 29th Vancouver Battalion
  • 29th Vancouver Battalion
  • 29th Vancouver Battalion
  • 29th Vancouver Battalion

In August and September, when the Germans had been pushed back, the 45th and 46th Casualty Clearing Stations posted to the neighbourhood. Bac-du-Sud British Cemetery contains 688 Commonwealth burials of the Great War, including 55 German war graves.

Wailly Orchard Cemetery

The cemetery begun in May 1916 by the Liverpool battalions of the 55th (West Lancashire) Division, as a front line cemetery, screened from German observation by a high wall. Little used in 1917, but in March-August 1918, considerably enlarged by the Canadian and other units defending the Third Army front.

Wailly Orchard Cemetery contains 366 Great War burials, 15 of them unidentified.

Dominion Day

On Dominion Day, 1 July 1918, the 29th Battalion attends the Corps Sports Championships held at Tincques, Pas-de-Calais. The battalion performs well in the Lacrosse final, prevailing in an exciting match. As well, the 29th Battalion are crowned champions in the Tug-of-War event.

The winners of the Lacrosse, Canadian Sports Championship Meeting (29th Battalion). MIKAN No. 3386675
The winners of the Lacrosse, Canadian Sports Championship Meeting (29th Battalion). MIKAN No. 3386675
(Tug-of-War) The winners of the Tug of War, Canadian Sports Championship Meet. (29th Battalion). MIKAN No. 3387588
The winners of the Tug of War, Canadian Sports Championship Meet. (29th Battalion). MIKAN No. 3387588

Battle of Amiens

Sergeant Valisa Bogichevich MM & Bar, DCM

Valisa Bogichevich born in Danilovegrade, Montenegro, 30 September 1886. Next of kin his sister Milenor, still living in Montenegro.

Sergt. Borgowitch, D.C.M., M.M. & Bar., 29th Battalion. Sgt. Borgowitch is wearing his medal ribbons for the Distinguished Conduct Medal and the Military Medal with bar. MIKAN No. 3212910
Sergt. Borgowitch (sic), D.C.M., M.M. & Bar., 29th Battalion. Sgt. Borgowitch (Bogichevich) is wearing his medal ribbons for the Distinguished Conduct Medal and the Military Medal with bar. MIKAN No. 3212910

Awarded the Military Medal on the Somme, with the Bar coming at Passchendaele. The DCM awarded a few months before his death. Shortly afterwards officers recommended Bogichevich for the Victoria Cross.

For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during a night raid, when he led his section against three strong hostile posts, clearing each out and overcoming heavy resistance. He personally accounted for five of the enemy and captured two prisoners, as well as accounting for an unknown number of the enemy in a large dug-out with Stokes bombs. His fine leadership and great courage carried his section through to their objective, and entailed heavy losses on the enemy.

DCM Citation

Sergeant Valisa Bogichevich MM & Bar, DCM died 9 August 1918 and buried at Rosieres Communal Cemetery Extension.

Sergeant Valisa Bogichevich, 29 April 2015, CEFRG.ca

Battle of Cambrai

For gallant leadership during the battle of Cambrai in October, Col Tobin received the Distinguished Service Order.

“He went forward with advancing troops, directed their movement under heavy fire, and greatly contributed to the success of the operation. Later, when his troops were held up by heavy fire in a swamp, he went forward, reorganized them, and secured valuable information, which materially assisted in the ultimate success of the operation.”

DSO Citation of Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Seymour Tobin

Sun Quarry Cemetery, Cherisy

Cherisy village captured by the 18th Division on 3 May 1917, but lost the same night. It then remained in German hands until it was retaken by the Canadian Corps on 27 August 1918. The cemetery takes its name from a flint quarry, known to the army as Sun Quarry. Six identified men of the 29th Battalion buried here.

  • 29th Vancouver Battalion
  • 29th Vancouver Battalion
  • 29th Vancouver Battalion

It was made by fighting units, and most of those buried in the cemetery killed between 26 August and 28 September 1918. Sun Quarry Cemetery contains 191 Great War burials, eight of them unidentified.

March to the Rhine

Nominal roll of officers landed in France that crossed the Rhine river on 13 December 1918 as part of the Allied Occupation of Germany.

  • Lt Col Henry Seymour Tobin DSO
  • Major Lemuel Allan Wilmot MC
  • Major Frederick Wilbur Kirkland MC, DCM
  • Captain R S Moore DSO
  • Captain E H Dabiel
  • Capt H R N Clyne MC
  • Captain J F Thom MC
  • Lieutenant G A Cruickshank MC
  • Lt D C Ross
  • Lt W Stevenson
  • Lieutenant C H Bunce
  • Lt M H W Gardner
  • Lt A J Burridge
  • Lieutenant C E Smith MC, MM
  • Lt F W Mitchell MM
  • Lt J A Fletcher
Major L A Wilmot MC © IWM HU 127630
Major L A Wilmot MC © IWM HU 127630


More than 4500 soldiers serve in the ranks of the 29th Vancouver Battalion in the Great War. Over 600 killed, and another 1400 wounded in battle. A 44% casualty rate. More than 355 decorations for gallantry earned by the men of the 29th.

Cadet Robert Hanna, V.C., Pte. M.J. O'Rourke, V.C. MIKAN No. 3405056
Cadet Robert Hanna, V.C., Pte. M.J. O’Rourke, V.C. MIKAN No. 3405056

Among them, one Victoria Cross awarded to Company Sergeant-Major Robert Hill Hanna for actions during the Battle of Hill 70.



Cadet Robert Hanna, V.C., Pte. M.J. O'Rourke, V.C. MIKAN No. 3405054
Cadet Robert Hanna, V.C. MIKAN No. 3405054

Presentation of Colours

The 29th Vancouver Battalion returned to England 12 April 1919.

  • H.R.H. The Prince of Wales presents Colours to 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th Canadian Infantry Battalions. Sir Arthur Currie attending. Witley Camp, 7 May 1919. MIKAN No. 3523080
  • H.R.H. The Prince of Wales presents Colours to 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th Canadian Infantry Battalions. Sir Arthur Currie attending. Witley Camp, 7 May 1919. MIKAN No. 3523081
  • H.R.H. The Prince of Wales presents Colours to 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th Canadian Infantry Battalions. Sir Arthur Currie attending. Witley Camp, 7 May 1919. MIKAN No. 3523082
  • H.R.H. The Prince of Wales presents Colours to 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th Canadian Infantry Battalions. Sir Arthur Currie attending. Witley Camp, 7 May 1919. MIKAN No. 3523052
  • H.R.H. The Prince of Wales presents Colours to 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th Canadian Infantry Battalions. Sir Arthur Currie attending. Witley Camp, 7 May 1919. MIKAN No. 3523055
  • H.R.H. The Prince of Wales presents Colours to 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th Canadian Infantry Battalions. Sir Arthur Currie attending. Witley Camp, 7 May 1919. MIKAN No. 3523057
  • H.R.H. The Prince of Wales presents Colours to 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th Canadian Infantry Battalions. Sir Arthur Currie attending. Witley Camp, 7 May 1919. MIKAN No. 35230990
  • H.R.H. The Prince of Wales presents Colours to 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th Canadian Infantry Battalions. Sir Arthur Currie attending. Witley Camp, 7 May 1919. MIKAN No. 3523091

On 7 May 1919, at Witley Camp, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales presents Colours to the 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th Battalions. Lt.-Gen. Sir Arthur Currie attending.

Return to Canada

The 29th Vancouver Battalion disembarked in Canada 16 May 1919, and later demobilized on 24 May 1919. Finally, disbanded 15 September 1920. Banner presented to pipe band by Francis Alexander MacKinnon, 35th Chief of Clan Mackinnon. Two bands: brass (28 pieces), pipe (16 pieces). Colours deposited in Christ Church, Vancouver, in June 1919.

LtCol Tobin's Last Address
LtCol Tobin’s Last Address

At first, 29th Vancouver Battalion perpetuated by The Vancouver Regiment. Now, perpetuated by The British Columbia Regiment (Duke of Connaught’s Own).


On February 27, 1947, Francis Alexander MacKinnon passed away at his home. He was just shy of 99 years of age. He had retired to Drumduan, in Forres, Morayshire, Scotland.

Tobin’s Tigers

On returning to British Columbia, Col Tobin resumed his law career and became a successful industrialist. At the outbreak of the Second World War, Tobin called on manufacturers and businessmen to do their share.

“Everyone must realize that we’ve got to pay for the war as well as fight for it… I’m all in favor of excess war profits, taxes and conscription of capital. If Canada’s lives are going to be sacrificed, her capital should be sacrificed, too.”

Henry Seymour Tobin
The_Lost_McPhearson_Patrol._c._1911 MIKAN No 3407657

Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Seymour Tobin passed away on 9 August 1956, aged 79. He was one of the five Mounties of the Klondike Patrol who made the 1600-mile overland trip from Edmonton, to Fort Selkirk, in 1897 – 1898. He lies buried in Ocean View Burial Park, Burnaby, B.C.

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2 Responses to “29th (Vancouver) Battalion in the Great War”

  1. […] for the photographers in the Great War. Even more popular among the official photographers was the 29th (Vancouver) Battalion, recently featured in a […]

  2. […] in England aboard RMS METAGAMA, on 5 May 1916, 63rd Battalion. T.o.S. 29th Battalion, Shorncliffe, 28 June 1916. Reverts to ranks, in order to proceed overseas, on 7 July 1916. He […]